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Clear Epoxy 17Kg pack


Size 20kg
Coverage 140-180SFT (On top 2mm thickness)

10 in stock






Clear Epoxy resin 20Kg Pack   (Crystal clear )

For Sculpture, Ornaments, Jewelry, Art & River Tables.Woods,floors and more..

Remarkable new clear epoxy clear casting resin from the makers of the famous By Noroo paint Korea product. Yegreena Crystal 100 is perfect for creating thick, water-clear, bubble-free castings up to 4mm deep at once . It is especially recommended for river tables, flooring knot filling and other furniture projects where you will be casting a very thick layer of resin (up to 4mm per pour at once ) and require the best clarity. It can be layered to create deep castings of unlimited depth

Product Data

This paint is a 2K non-solvent type epoxy clear composed mainly of non-solvent-
based epoxied resin and modified amine resin. It is excellent in the hardness of dry film, adhesion, durability, chemical resistance and dust proofness. In particular, it is superior to the CLEANPOXY LINING CLEAR in terms of yellowing resistance. It has excellent smoothness and can form a beautiful appearance after painting. It is more effective if an interior design is applied before applying this layer.




How it looks (Part A & B)


Excellent for Table Tops, River Table, Woods, Jewellery, Art, Craft, Coating,flooring

> When Cured, Hard Like Plastic.
> Crystal Clear, Exceptional Clarity.
> 3:1 Mixing Ratio(By weight), Easy to Work With.
> Self Leveling, Self curing Resin
> Non toxic, Low odor.


  • No air bubbles.
  • No need to buff or polish to get glossy surface
  • High Glossy finish
  • Non yellowing


180-220 Square feet  over top surfaces (2mm thickness)

High quality clear Epoxy resin (This is NOT cheap Polyester Resin) perfect for river tables, making jeweler, models and more!. This epoxy resin do not smell, generate very low heat (during curing process), and you can use on photographs. This epoxy specially formulated for ornament making, furniture (filling gaps in wood), laminating & sealing artwork where crystal clear application is required. This product has extremely effective sealing property and bonds almost any surface. You can use to seal cracks in concrete, ceramic, granite, marble, glass, wood & similar materials. Cold-curing, two-component casting resin consisting of bis-phenol A-hydrochloride and epoxy hardener, very low viscosity (very pour-able), cured material is colorless and transparent, to a large extent shrinkage-free, particularly pour-able resin that produces a highly transparent cast piece that has a very smooth, high glossy, polishable surface.. Mixing ratio of resin to hardener 3:1 and  DE-molding time is 8-15 hours, temperature resistant up to app. 200 °C,

shelf life when properly stored: about 18months (resin & hardener).

This casting resin is almost completely colorless, and this premium epoxy do not turn yellow overtime. Even when poured in thin coats it cures without stickiness, which makes it as great a choice for transparent coatings as it is for the embedding and covering of objects. Normally used in an un-reinforced form but it can also be used in a reinforced form as a laminating resin even if there are in fact other, probably better resins that have been specially developed for just that purpose.

It can be poured as a thick coating over existing surfaces or into moulds made from silicone rubber and of course it can be poured into knot-holes, cavities and gaps between wood for furniture pieces like epoxy river tables.

What’s Included:

>>>  Clear Epoxy resin 16Kg Pack ( Resin 12Kg & Hardener 4Kg)


Idea for River tables, Liquid Plastic,Clear Casting Resin for art & ornament making,concrete, ceramic, granite, marble, glass, wood.

Product Code: EPO001
Brand:  Noroo Paints  – South Korea


Epoxy Color flooring

Weight 21 kg