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Primer -Glass,granites,Tiles,

 14,000 115,000

Sizes  - 4L/14 L
Coverage 4L -200 -250 SFT

Epoxy special  Primer Coat

For Glass,Granite,tiled,terrazzo,Red cement  surfaces


Epoxy special  primer coating are  bonding to Glass,Granite,tiled,terrazzo,Red cement by forming a chemical bond. When you mix your primer what you are actually doing is creating a chemical reaction that initiates the process of hardening. Epoxy Special primers are formulated to seep into the pores of your surface to achieve a strong bond. If you were to apply a primer onto


  • Better Adhesion For Glass,Granite,tiled,terrazzo,Red cement ,
  • Reduce air bubbles and holes in your final coating
  • Allow for stronger bondage of base and top coats
  • Provide fountain to build your coatings on top of
  • Moisture Tolerant/Oil Blocking

Concrete flooring primers create the best foundation for your epoxy base coat to bond to. Epoxies are designed to cure and harden. If the substrate your are applying your epoxy base coat to is not properly prepped or primed then from the start you are putting yourself at a disadvantage to have floor issues down the road. While primers can be expensive, sometimes more than the epoxy itself they are well worth the money as the benefits outlined above clearly outweigh the downside.


  • Epoxy Special primers are  providing a better adhesion as it penetrated into the Glass,Granite,tiled,terrazzo,Red cement substrate allowing a better bond.
  • Primers provide a better chemical bond when using thicker epoxy base coats. This results in a longer lasting and a more durable.
  • Primers form a tenacious waterproof barrier for concrete flooring that is devoid of an effective Damp Proof Membrane (DPM) which usually results in virtually any paint lifting and peeling off the surface.
  • Most epoxy primers are moisture tolerant and work well when being applied on concrete that has not fully dried from being cleaned

Application method

Mix Part A and B
Add 15-20% Epoxy thinner  

apply with roller brush (1 coat is recommended )

Dry time  --- 24 hours

Color   - Matte White   
        -Part A & B
Sizes  - 2L / 4L / 16 L

Coverage   1L >>>> 70-80 SFT

Product Code: Epocode 1
Brand:  Noroo Paint Co.         Made in South Korea

Weight 4-14 kg

2L, 4L, 14L


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